On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 12:20:30PM -0700, Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
>While I was watching the tumbleweeds blow by, I did some more
>investigation on the problems I've been encountering with snapshots. 
>First of all, I tested every snapshot (always the FULL snapshot, of

Actually, installing the full snapshot is overkill for tracking down
this type of problem.  It doesn't hurt, but just installing the DLL
should be adequate.

>from 2006-03-09 onwards with the following results:
>20060309 - Last non-problematic snapshot
>For the following snapshots, stuck processes are generated by bash
>script cron job:
>    20060313
>    20060322
>    20060323
>    20060324
>    20060326
>    20060329
>    20060413
>    20060417
>    20060418
>    20060421
>    20060424
>    20060426
>For the following snapshots, the rxvt shell window closes right away (as
>reported in http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2006-03/msg00487.html):
>    20060314
>    20060315
>    20060318
>    20060319
>    20060320
>    20060321
>20060403 - run.exe does not work properly

Let's just focus on the present snapshot and the problem that you are
reporting please.  It isn't at all useful for you to recapitulate past
(fixed!) problems in old snapshots.

You've mentioned that the first failing snapshot was 2006-03-13 so I'm
working under the impression that your report was accurate.

Neither Corinna nor I have been able to duplicate this hang.

So, I'm throwing this out to the rest of the mailing list.  The failing
script is not hard to run, so I'd appreciate knowing if it hangs for
anyone else.


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