Eric Blake wrote:
Another set of tests is to use the experimental coreutils-5.94-5.
Doing/bin/pwd inside a directory on the strange filesystem stress tests
d_ino (I already know that on ClearCase (MVFS), /bin/pwd fails inside of
versioned directories, such as ccase/foo@@/main/, since ClearCase refuses
to list foo@@ in a readdir of ccase, but that is not cygwin's bug).  And

I tried /bin/pwd and pwd in a versioned directory (.../business@@/main/...) and it works. Do you mean that it doesn't work with the current snapshot or with the current stable version? Which test exactly fails?

If you are using 5.94-5, then you are necessarily using a snapshot, and
/bin/pwd would fail inside the versioned directory because I compiled it
to use readdir() instead of getcwd(), and clearcase readdir() intentionally
fails to list buisiness@@ when listing its parent directory.  But coreutils
5.94-1 (and the eventual 5.94-6) stick with getcwd(), so that you should
have no problems from inside a Clearcase versioned directory.  And just
to be sure, I will repeat my tests when I am at work today and have
access to a clearcase drive, in case my claims about /bin/pwd were
not quite accurate after all.

No, sorry: I'm not using a snapshot. I thought you intended to say that /bin/pwd would have failed also with the current version.



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