----Original Message----
>From: Louis Lecaroz
>Sent: 11 August 2005 14:36

> Yes, ok, but so, how to trace cygwin+native Win32 program together ?

  Ok, so you wrote a truss tool, and it doesn't work with cygwin
executables, and you want to know what to do?

  The answer is simple.  You have to fix the bug in your software.

  Unfortunately nobody here can help you do that because nobody has a copy
of your software except you.

  My WAG is that the detours library is incorrectly hooking the nonstandard
prologues of the sigfe function wrappers, but, not having a copy of your
software, I really can't be expected to know what's wrong with it!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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