Hi all,
Let me thx all the CygWin team !
I tested your modifications, & now I can hook native Win32 systems calls (like CreateFile you call indirectly by your libc fake methods) with the Microsoft Detours Toolkit) by using LD_PRELOAD, also in forkee !

Your LD_PRELOAD simply replace the Microsoft injection step which makes cygwin crashing. & I did not modify anything in my Microsoft Detours Hooking dll ! Really great job ! (I saw you have modified fork.cc to call ld_preload() on forkee instances).

The only modification but already made not to crash on cygwin was, when I received a call in my CreateProcess Hook version, is not to inject new code by Calling DetoursCreateProcess (ms detours api) when the process requested by CreateProcess is stored under c:\cygwin, assuming that all processes under c:\cygwin are cygwin process & code is automatically inject througth LD_PRELOAD. My CreateProcess hook only rechain to the DetoursCreateProcess (not the original CreateProcess) only when it is a non cygwin process. By this way, all child processes (cygwin or win32 native programs) are hooked !!!!

Again, really thx for your modification, you are all doing a really great job,

Dave Korn wrote:

----Original Message----
From: Brian Ford
Sent: 11 August 2005 19:06

Just to add a useless speculation that I don't currently have time to
follow up on...

I'd bet this is the mechanism used by SysInternals Process Explorer for
the currently broken (on Cygwin) DLL list and thread list features.  If
and when I have time to confirm this useless speculation, I'll report
back.  Unless someone else gets to it first... ;-).

 I'll bet it isn't.  And what's more, I reckon I can prove it without even
needing to look!


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