
after about 3 years of total cygwin abstinence, I'm back. (I had started with 
b19 :))

This is most likely a FAQ, but since most people got this DLL in their log 
files, a bug report or anything like this is very hard to find with the sparse 
search options given.

Error message is "Dynamic Link Library cygexpat-0.dll not found in specified 
This happens when I try to start X Window ("startx"). I know this is not the 
place to ask X questions, but when I did a Windows search for *expat*, I found 
something related to Perl or Python, so it does not seem to be an X only issue 

The main problem is that I cannot find out which package this DLL belongs to, 
so I don't know which package to reinstall. I also remember that I got an error 
message with setup.exe, but I don't remember anymore which package it was.

Cygwin is virgin 1.5.17 (0.129/4/2) on Win2K SP 4.
Please give me a hint where to search for the bug / problem.


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