----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 02 June 2005 18:08

> On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, Sunil wrote:
>>> amusingling enough -- their
>>> execution times are *slower* than cygwin's...  Of
>> this is a joke right? I found SFU to be at least 2-3
>> times faster in loading and executing programs in
>> general. Its too bad their POSIX imple. is less than
>> half baked and unuseable for building any package
>> OOTB.
> Any favorable mention of SFU on this list had better be a joke. :-)
>       Igor
> --

  ... or had better have a 'T' between the 'S' and the 'U'!


Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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