Might it be possible to build 2 versions and have the package dynamically install the correct version?
On the other hand, instead of "if (win98)..." one could have a cygwin1.dll that chooses a 2nd library to load and all entry points are either runtime indirect calls into the 2nd library (cygwin_NT, cygwin_nont). The user could optimize by manually running a script that copied the OS specific library in place of cygwin1.dll and setting a flag in an /etc/sysconfig/libpref file so future updates of the library could automatically install the OS-specific version when updating the library. To keep the option of what OS to use open, the "pointer-lib" could be renamed to cygwin1_wrapper.dll when not used as the default. BTW -- what % of users are still on win9x/me? Is there any obsolescence plan (not that I am pushing for such!)... Just some ideas to mull around if a leaner memory footprint became something of a priority... linda Christopher Faylor wrote:
OTOH, Corinna is hard at work adding low-level Nt* calls to cygwin so, if it wasn't for the requirement that everything has to work on Windows 9x, the DLL would be smaller and faster. Instead, every system call currently needs to have a "do this if it's NT and that if it's 9x" test so "we" have been slow in moving to bypass the win32 api layer on Windows NT. OTOH, we will rebuild it. We do have the technology. cgf -- Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
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