On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 08:33:52PM -0700, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
>On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 09:13:21 -0700 (PDT), Vince Rice wrote:
>> Lots of things are "obvious" to an experienced user that aren't to a
>> new user (something I'm thankfully reminded of every time I sit with my wife at
>> a computer for more than five minutes).  And the steps lex ein laid are
>> extremely accurate.  For a new user.
>I agree with Chris that this is a Unix/Linux problem and not
>Cygwin-specific, and thus off-topic for this mailing list.  However, I
>would like our documentation to be improving and I am open to
>suggestions that might have helped in this case.
>On the other hand, I also believe that for every beginning user that
>has trouble installing from confusion, there are probably many who look
>at the FAQ or User's Guide, both of which answer questions about
>finding documentation:

Did you see my suggestion that we should mention the existence of the
man and info commands in the FAQ entry?


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