Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004, Robert R Schneck wrote:
>> But hey... my Jan 2004 gold star seems to have gone missing.
> Huh?  From <http://cygwin.com/goldstars/>:
>    Robert R. Schneck <*> (Jan 2004) <*> (Oct 2004) -- For an attempt to apply a 
> creative solution to a problem

A case of poor observation.

> P.S. I've changed the name, too -- was that right?

Ah, it seems I forgot to change my newsreader config file to use my
married name!  (The older star came from cygwin-apps to which I post
using e-mail rather than news.)  But you needn't bother to change it,
I still do use the shorter bachelor name occasionally.


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