Hi Alex,

Alexander Colesnicov schrieb:
I tried to install cygwin and it hanged when executing
/etc/postinstall/post-texmf.sh . To proceed further, I marked this
script as "done" and all the rest was OK. Then I started cygwin and run
this script manually. I found that it was a conflict with my existing
fpTeX installation (fpTeX is a TeTeX port to Windows) that defined an
environment variable TEXMFCNF to one of Windows directories. The script
post-texmf.sh diagnosted that and asked for user's reaction. I redefined
the variable in my .bashrc as TEXMFCNF="/usr/share/texmf/web2c:", and
the script run. The bad thing is that the terminal window does not exist
during setup.exe run. Therefore, the user can not react to script's
questions. My recommedation is to reprogram post-texmf.sh in such a
manner that it will never ask for user's intervention, and will set the
TEXMFCNF variable uncoditionally to its true value to avoid the
described conflict.

Could you please attach the output of $ cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out as described in http://cygwin.com/problems.html

Our setup.exe maintainers couldn't reproduce this problem on their systems. Any read in the postinstall script is just skipped.
Do you have Win95?
Reini Urban

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