Igor Pechtchanski writes:

> Not really.  As Max said, the environment in which the postinstall scripts
> run is the same as the one you'd get when you run them on the command line
> (albeit from a non-login /bin/sh).  That environment will contain all of
> the Windows-set environment variables.  If the tools require that some
> variables be unset (because they might throw the tools off, for example),
> the variables have to be unset in the postinstall script -- setup.exe
> can't be expected to know all of the variables potentially conflicting
> with all of the packages.

No, of course.  That's why I'd like to have an empty (rather than a
cleaned) environment, isn't that possible?  That sounds cleaner than
fixing all scripts?

FWIW, the way teTeX works, most variables set in texmf.cnf are
overridden by the environment; it would be next to impossible to
guarantee a successful teTeX environment after logging in if variables
from the WINDOWS are allowed to silently enter the Cygwin

> OTOH, I've already submitted the patch to setup.exe that kills stdin in
> postinstall scripts, so that even if some tool asks for input, it'll just
> get EOF.

That's great, but it will mean that with the current post-texmf.sh
(without resetting of the enviroment), the resulting teTeX setup will
be broken.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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