CyberZombie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>>No, I find 4NT to be more flexible than BASH... filename completion is
>>handier, especially when multiple filenames match what you type;
>>editing of environment variables (especially PATH) with eset is
>>unmatched by Bash, and there are some other handy things in 4NT as
>>well, which are lacked by Bash.  I do alot of work with Bash on my
>>job, under Linux, and I often rue the absence of 4NT there...
>>... of course, that's when it works...
>>         Dan
> For filename completion, the following might help
> .inputrc:
> set completion-ignore-case on
> set bell-style none
This is cool, thanks!!  There are some other things that I thought Bash 
didn't do, but your recent message got me looking for Bash tutorials again, 
and I've found how to do some of those things.  For example, 4NT lets you 
type part of a previously-typed command, then use up-arrow to walk thru all 
previous command which started with what you typed.  I thought Bash didn't 
have such a thing (other than !, which only selects one command), but now 
I've discovered Control-R, which does just that!!  Cool stuff!!

Now, if ls would just stop marking all files as executable when I use /F, 
I'd be very happy!!

... and I may need to switch to Bash if I can't get these 4NT quirks 


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