Todd Curry wrote:
> I'm using an rsyncd package that uses its own version of cygwin, and
> does not play nice when installed on a machine with Cygwin.  It is part
> of BackupPC, which is turning out to be an incredible piece of backup
> software.
> So, I've got one Windows XP machine that is seemingly possessed -- I
> have removed the cygwin dir, have triple-checked running processes and
> services and don't see anything that I *think* is Cygwin related.
> But here is the kicker:  no matter how (or how many) times I purge the
> "Cygnus Solutions" entries from the XP registry, they come right back
> -- something is re-creating them.  I delete the keys, start it back up,
> and there is Cygnus again.  It is truly bizarre!
> What should I check to make sure there are no processes or services
> running?  Somebody give me the "paranoid" / overkill options here.
> Second, if that should fail, does anyone know what specifically creates
> the registry entries?  Can we work backwards from there to find the
> culprit?

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> This mailing
> list is for support of the official Cygwin net release from
> only.

What Corinna said, but since it sounds like you are *trying* to use official
Cygwin but being thwarted by BackupPC's bundle, I thought I'd suggest a few

Potentially, anything using the cygwin1.dll could be creating the keys. Try
removing *all* copies of the DLL, removing the keys, rebooting, and see if
you get and "failed to find required DLL" popups.

If not, they are being re-created by some custom piece of BackupPC. Ask on
their mailing lists.


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