I'm using an rsyncd package that uses its own version of cygwin, and does not play nice when installed on a machine with Cygwin. It is part of BackupPC, which is turning out to be an incredible piece of backup software.

So, I've got one Windows XP machine that is seemingly possessed -- I have removed the cygwin dir, have triple-checked running processes and services and don't see anything that I *think* is Cygwin related.

But here is the kicker: no matter how (or how many) times I purge the "Cygnus Solutions" entries from the XP registry, they come right back -- something is re-creating them. I delete the keys, start it back up, and there is Cygnus again. It is truly bizarre!

What should I check to make sure there are no processes or services running? Somebody give me the "paranoid" / overkill options here.

Second, if that should fail, does anyone know what specifically creates the registry entries? Can we work backwards from there to find the culprit?

Thanks much,


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