> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Corinna Vinschen
> Sent: 14 July 2004 18:15
> On Jul 14 17:58, Dave Korn wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
> > > Sent: 14 July 2004 04:22
> > 
> > > Ok, the theory washed out.  The code above is actually simply 
> > > buggy.  When
> > > RegQueryValueEx is called (2 lines below the arrow), the 
> > > "size" parameter
> > > is uninitialized, so, in effect, it keeps thinking that 
> the buffer has
> > > some random size and reallocating (which, of course, doesn't 
> > > change the
> > > size, hence the infinite loop).
> > 
> >   I concur; that is bad code.  The variable unambiguously needs
> > initialising, and since RegQueryValueEx damages it, it 
> needs to be re-set
> > each time round the loop.  
> > [...]
> I'm wondering if that isn't mildly OT here.  Shouldn't that 
> be discussed
> on cygwin-developers in a perfect world?
> Corinna

  Well, the thread's more-or-less over now, I would have thought.  Still
expecting one more post from Igor saying "Yes, I was testing the wrong
version of the dll", and his changelog entry, but that should bring it to a

  Still, I've sent in a subscription request anyway  [Note Cc!].  I've never
paid much attention to that list before.  I notice that even the list
archive is closed if you aren't subbed - surely that's a bit WJM?  I can
understand having subscribers-only posting rules, and I can understand
wanting to have only serious developers posting there, but I don't see why
it shouldn't be viewable and searchable for everyone else.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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