On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 06:20:19PM -0400, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> > Perhaps bufalloc += max(bufalloc, 1000);

Gack! I meant min() :)
> Sorry, but no.  This will do nothing for the original problem.  The idea
> was that at some point you need the rate of buffer size increase to
> overtake the rate of performance data generation.  If performance data is
> generated faster than 1000 bytes per query, and adding 1000 bytes isn't
> enough, adding *at most* 1000 bytes (as you suggested) is strictly less
> effective.  I suggested a linear function with a steeper slope (which may
> not be enough) or an exponential, which will definitely be enough, but may
> introduce huge buffers.

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