Interesting reference (bash scripting guide). I want to take more time to read it.
I found it took me a while (20 some-odd years ago) to completely understand the man structure and format. I found some AT&T documents on man and, after much reading, came to understand the sections, the subsections and the overall concept of man pages. Now it's easy for me, and I can usually find exactly what I need in a man page quickly. Unfortunately, Linux seems to be leaning toward keeping things in info format. More up-to-date documentation can be found there, so I've learned how to use Emacs to peruse info manuals. Because of the efforts I went through to learn how to read documentation in Unix, I understand a newbie struggling with it. Then there's the question of how up-to-date documents are. When an application was enhanced, were the man pages updated? Are there features that aren't documented that I want to use? I try to be understanding with questions. If they're totally ignorant and lazy, I might kindly tell them where to look, but if it appears like they've made a little effort, I'll try and answer them. Chris Carlson iStor Networks, Inc. -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hannu E K Nevalainen Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 1:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: PATH and HOME in cygwin > From: Chris Carlson > Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 6:29 PM <SNIP> > I'm just suggesting that we show a little patience to people who may not > be as well versed in Unix as you are. It is the impatient, > condescending tone that gives new Linux users a bad taste for the OS. I > want Linux to crush M$ (at least to the point that they are on equal > footing in the market). Chasing off new users is not going to encourage > that. Ahh... I'm glad to hear that there are more people like me reading this list. I consider myself beeing well versed in how computers work in general terms, I learn fast - as I've been at it for years - still I have problems grasping some of the stuff; though I most of the time know how things usually are set up. I find the man pages very terse, not useful until you know about it already. Other resources often feels either disorganized, using a complex language or a complex - hard to "google" - setup or organization. And if nothing else of the above "fits"; the text describes in terms of assumed prior knowledge - where often _one single additional sentence_ picks up the person being less knowledgable to join the ride. The last thing shouldn't be so very hard to change - thus enabling more people to join the gang: Make open/free software be truly free and open! And last: A feature that hasn't been documented (well) could just as well be unimplemented - when it comes to how usable it is. Source is a language that slants in different ways depending on the writers knowledge, coding and commenting style - to begin with. This never has the potential of feeding "any user" with apropriate input. This one link might be a golden-oldie: $ cat abs-guide.url [InternetShortcut] URL= ... I've yet to check it out thoroughly. Seems a bit aged. /Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59+16.37'N, 17+12.60'E --76--> ** on a mailing list; please keep replies on that particular list ** -- printf("LocalTime: UTC+%02d\n",(DST)? 2:1); -- --END OF MESSAGE-- -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: