* David Fay (2004-06-02 13:50 +0100)
> I am trying to set my PATH and HOME in cygwin.

Why? Didn't you have these yet? Didn't you like them?

> Under the /etc/profile file it  says to change the bashrc.bash file
> and I have amended this but still no  change.

You didn't read a few lines more in /etc/profile until it says "Here
is how HOME is set, in order of priority, when starting from Windows",
did you?

> I also see there is a .bash_profile file in both  the
> /etc/defaults/etc/skel and /etc/skel. I originally thought that
> this is the  file I would amend but I expected this to be in my
> home directory. Any  suggestions?

Please read the fscking bash manual - especially the FILES section at
the bottom. Otherwise nice people will start telling you things in a
way you'll surely won't like. Hint: the manual doesn't mention
/etc/bashrc - so it's up to YOU to make sure it gets sourced.


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