At 04:56 PM 3/25/2004, you wrote:
>Ken Thompson wrote:
>>I don't think this is really a bash issue.  I think HOMEDRIVE is actually
>>set by XP and bash is just importing it.  Cygwin has a default for NOME if
>No. On my system, HOMEDRIVE was NOT set (neither for me personally, nor for all 

HOMEDRIVE is set by Windows.  You don't have to set it.  And bash wouldn't
know HOMEDRIVE from a hole in the wall. ;-)

>>it is not set but it is unlikely to be what you desire.  Just set the
>>environment variable HOMEDRIVE to 'H:' and it will do exactly what you wish.
>>The correct procedure on Cygwin is to manually set the environment variables
>>to whatever you wish them to be
>As I've already written in my original message, if I change it in XP, bash overwrites 
>it. I can't imagine that this is correct behavior?!

I'd agree.  But moving profiles like you did is not likely to be without
repercussions.  I'm assuming that MS wouldn't recommend this.  Nevertheless,
it's a Windows problem that you'll get better information about it on some
other list.  At this point, you've gone beyond the scope of this one.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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