Ken Thompson wrote:

I don't think this is really a bash issue.  I think HOMEDRIVE is actually
set by XP and bash is just importing it.  Cygwin has a default for NOME if

No. On my system, HOMEDRIVE was NOT set (neither for me personally, nor for all users.)

it is not set but it is unlikely to be what you desire.  Just set the
environment variable HOMEDRIVE to 'H:' and it will do exactly what you wish.
The correct procedure on Cygwin is to manually set the environment variables
to whatever you wish them to be

As I've already written in my original message, if I change it in XP, bash overwrites it. I can't imagine that this is correct behavior?!



-----Original Message-----

Ralf G. R. Bergs
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:42 PM

Subject: bash incorrectly determines HOME and HOMEDRIVE

[Please CC: me in your replies, since I'm not subscribed to this list. I will post a summary if I receive enough response.]

Hi there,

I've a quite unusual setup on my XP box since my profile directory is
NOT on the XP system drive. I moved it from there onto a separate

ALL Windoze apps are happy and succeed to determine the correct profile
path when storing application data, but Cygwin fails. :-(

My system drive is E:, and Cygwin incorrectly sets HOMEDRIVE to E: and
HOME to "E:\Documents and Settings\rabe". The correct location of HOME
is "H:\Documents and Settings\rabe", so HOMEDRIVE should be set to H:.

I've manually set the correct values in XP's "System Properties ->
Environment Variables". That makes HOME appear correctly in a bash, but
HOMEDRIVE is still incorrect (E:). I suspect it's a bug in bash.

Can anyone check whether my assumption is correct?



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