On Mar 16 02:09, Jason Winter wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> >Are you talking about the values in mt_gstat?  See below.
> This mailing list rejects emails that contain source code (which isn't 
> 'attached' in a different file) so I can't easily show you what I mean:
> Function 'tape_status' in 'fhandler_tape.cc' uses 'not' mt_blkno to see if 
> it's past the beg.of.tape, but it only updates that variable when function 
> 'tape_get_pos' is called.  It isn't called when 'FeaturesLow' doesn't have 
> the TAPE_DRIVE_GET_ABSOLUTE_BLK bit set, which happens when my tape drive 
> is busy and you request function 'GetTapeParameters'.  If you cache that 
> feature bit from when the drive wasn't busy, then you know you can call 
> 'tape_get_pos' even when the tape is busy and the feature can't be read 
> (dynamically, as it is now.)

Did you check the latest from CVS?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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