Hi Corinna,

Are you talking about the values in mt_gstat? See below.

This mailing list rejects emails that contain source code (which isn't 'attached' in a different file) so I can't easily show you what I mean:

Function 'tape_status' in 'fhandler_tape.cc' uses 'not' mt_blkno to see if it's past the beg.of.tape, but it only updates that variable when function 'tape_get_pos' is called. It isn't called when 'FeaturesLow' doesn't have the TAPE_DRIVE_GET_ABSOLUTE_BLK bit set, which happens when my tape drive is busy and you request function 'GetTapeParameters'. If you cache that feature bit from when the drive wasn't busy, then you know you can call 'tape_get_pos' even when the tape is busy and the feature can't be read (dynamically, as it is now.)


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