On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 08:36:42PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 04:12:25PM -0800, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> >Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >>There would certainly be a real detriment in the fact that cygwin 
> >>would stop working for Windows 95/98/Me. If we could focus just on NT 
> >>class systems, there is all sorts of improvements that we could make. 
> >>I don't think that all of the people using those systems would be too 
> >>happy with us, though, as much as I'd like to ditch them.
> >
> >Has anybody actually measured how many 9x/Me Cygwin users there are 
> >compared with NT and greater?
> The fact that Pierre Humblet uses Windows Me is reason enough for me to
> keep it around.  I wouldn't want to lose his contributions to the
> project and, perhaps more importantly, his ability to tolerate me when I
> get crabby.

Thanks a lot, Chris. But according to
it won't work on NT4 and Windows XP Home Edition either. 
That increases the user population.

Now that 1.5.6 is out, I was just thinking that I should send you a refreshed
patch for "[Patch]: Improving tty_list security (part 1).". 
Are you ready for that?


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