At 07:12 PM 1/19/2004, Andrew DeFaria you wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 01:37:27PM -0700, Dax Kelson wrote:
>>>The newly released Microsoft Services For Unix (SFU v3.5) includes a new "highly 
>>>tuned" POSIX subsystem. MS says that UNIX apps using the POSIX subsystem are within 
>>>10% performance of Windows apps using the Win32 subsystem. The security models also 
>>>work together so that chmod/chown/su and friends all work properly. It would be 
>>>nice to see an implementation of setfacl and getfacl.
>>>Would there be any benefit to porting Cygwin to sit directly on top the POSIX 
>>>subsystem instead of going through the Win32 subsystem?
>>There would certainly be a real detriment in the fact that cygwin would stop working 
>>for Windows 95/98/Me. If we could focus just on NT class systems, there is all sorts 
>>of improvements that we could make. I don't think that all of the people using those 
>>systems would be too happy with us, though, as much as I'd like to ditch them.
>Has anybody actually measured how many 9x/Me Cygwin users there are compared with NT 
>and greater?

No, not that has been reported to this list anyway.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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