Hello Gerrit, 

Danke.Thanks for the hint. I downloaded it and it works fine (at least compile/linked 
warnings ...). That is a much satisfactory solution. I had grabbed some code for 
but they were non standard, and would oblige me to change the calls to those functions 
Now a more philosophical point: will libgen be part of the official distribution?. I 
would like to write
a note to the developers of BHP_SU, about how to include Cygwin alongside IRIX, ... 
and that
is important to know, to avoid others from having the same problems I did.

So maybe you know the answer to this, too. The original BHP package used statvfs.h, 
but in Cygwin
that -> statfs.h . I did change that, then realized I also had to change the 
references to the struct
from statvfs to statfs, but f_frsize does not exist in statfs.h, and I replaced it 
with f_bsize, which
seemed the closest match (optimal block size, fundamental block size). Is that right?

The BHP_SU_V5.0 code compiles and runs, now, thanks to your input. But it is a complex 
thing: Seismix Unix v3.6+ BHP_SU_V5.0+BHPViewer (java). The viewer uses a shell 
script, which
invokes java and passes CLASSPATH and other PATH (for the routines themselves, in the 
bellow, that do the work). Apparently in Cygwin one uses the Windows Java VM. I 
changed the
/: for \; in CLASSPATH and it launched. I did not change the other (BINPATH, ...) from 
their Unix
style, because they will be called from within the Cygwin bash shell, but have yet to 
test this.


On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 07:32:12 +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

>Hallo Luis,
>Am Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2003 um 14:38 schriebst du:
>> Hi,
>> I just followed some threads here and understood the code exists
>> already and would be included in version 1.5.x, the question being
>> where to place it (libgen.h ...). Then the thread is broken, and
>> other higher priority tasks probably came into the way... (this is
>> not a complain ...) 
>> So, this is addressed to the developers: I would be happy to get a
>> workaround (that is something like dirname.c, basename.c, I could
>> link to the public domain code I need to compile). I would be very
>> grateful if I could get those, while some more robust solution is
>> being worked out. 
>Just a workaround, but there are full versions of basename and
>dirname: http://anfaenger.de/cygwin/cygwin-1.5/libgen/ 
>> I understand that the developers of the code (BHP_SU_V5.0),
>> http://www.cwp.mines.edu/cwpcodes/BHP_SU/index.html would probably
>> be happy to extend support to Cygwin (only IRIX, Linux, Solaris,
>> for the moment), and I could help on that.

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