Hi Y'All

I always feel threatened when something I've spent ages learning
appears to be superceded. Anyway I made the plunge and switched from
bash to zsh (change cygwin.bat , zsh --login -i). I feared rewriting
all my existing scripts, but in fact they are still using a bash bang.
The transition was thus smooth. 

So what's so great about zsh

use of ** to mean recurse subdirectories
chmod 644 **/*.html   (recursive command)
rm -r **/junk

Intelligent Tab completion of practically everything

I'm still learning 
I link that helped me


NG gmane.comp.shells.zsh.user


vim -c ":%s/^/WhfgTNabgureRIvzSUnpxre/|:%s/[R-T]/ /Ig|:normal ggVGg?"

http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=305  Best of Vim Tips

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