$ echo ' a b / c d e ' | od -w8 -t x1z
0000000 20 61 20 62 20 2f 20 63  > a b / c<
0000010 20 64 20 65 20 0a        > d e .<

$ echo ' a b / c d e ' | \
  sed -e 's/ *\(.*\) *\/ *\(.*\) */.\1.\2./'
.a b .c d e .

I want the output to be '.a b.c d e.' - that is; strip out the trailing

HOW do I achieve that?  ( \s = any ws, \S = any non ws )

Obviously \(.*\) grabs/includes the last space. My brain has stoppped
working, so right now I can't work around that :-I

/Hannu E K Nevalainen - almost nuts again ;-P
-- printf("Timezone: %s\n", (DST)?"UTC+02":"UTC+01"); --

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