On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 03:30:39PM +0200, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So ssmtp assumes that the input file is using only \n.  Of course,
> > ssmtp has never been written with textmode mounts in mind...
>   Thanks! That is it! I converted the input file from DOS (\r\n) to UNIX
> (\n) format and now ssmtp works correctly, i.e. it only reads From: and
> To: from the header, not from the body. So now I only have to
> incorporate this conversion into my tin (newsreader) setup.

Yeah, don't write the temporary files on a textmode mount.

>   So my problem is solved, but what about the generic problem? IMO ssmtp
> in a Cygwin environment should be able to handle DOS format data. AFAIK,
> there are (POSIX? XPG?) standards for opening a stream in text mode,
> which should make things compatible between ('DOS' and UNIX) platforms.

Nope, that won't work as a generic solution.  Think "binary attachment".

> Anyway, even if ssmtp is supposed to be 'UNIX-only', then why can it
> (apparently) handle DOS format lines *in* the header and *in* the body,
> but not *between* the header and body?

Use the source, Luke!  Actually it can't.  It only handles \n but header
lines have a specific format which simplifies things.

>   What happens now? Do the author(s)/maintainer(s) of ssmtp pick up this
> issue? The Cygwin "Where should I send problem reports?" page
> (<http://cygwin.com/problems.html>) requests not to send bug reports
> directly to the author(s)/maintainer(s), but will they really pick up
> bug reports from this high volume mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])?

Erm... are you reading the cygwin announcements?  I'm ssmtp maintainer
for Cygwin but there's no upstream maintainer. ssmtp development has
been abandoned.  Since you're the first one coming across that problem
I don't value it too high, especially since there's a workaround.
And I'm not sure if that's actually a ssmtp problem or if that's not
rather a tin problem.  Yes, I'm also tin maintainer for Cygwin...



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