On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 10:35:59AM +0200, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> [This is my first posting to this list. I hope the format is OK.]
>   I am trying to use ssmtp (2.38.7-4) as my 'mailer' in tin, the
> newsreader. tin invokes ssmtp as
> /usr/sbin/ssmtp -t < %F
> where %F is a file which contains the header (lines), a blank line (only
> \r\n) and body.
>   I have found that apparently ssmtp keeps reading 'header' lines (like
> From:, etc.) *after* it has read the full header, i.e. it also reads
> 'header' lines from the *body* of the message. For example it will fail
> (on the "From: Frank Slootweg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" line in the
> *body*) with the below input file.

More input.  What means "fail"?  What is ssmtp doing with the mail?
Reading too much doesn't sound very desctructive to me.


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