* Peter Davis (03-04-01 17:46 +0100)
>>> XP is the first rocksolid Windows OS.
>> Hardly.
>> NT 4 and 2000 have always been perfectly stable and reliable for me, 
>> running for days and weeks on end without trouble. They have additional 
>> (subjective) benefit of not having garish, cartoonish GUIs, though 2K 
>> shows some tendencies. Fortunately, most of the silly stuff can be turned 
>> off.
> NT4, 2000 and XP are all moderately stable, but none of them is what I
> would call "rock solid".
Me, too. I'd only call XP "rock solid".

> I've only had XP for less than a month, but I've hung the OS several times,
> and hung Explorer, which is really interesting.

I've been using XP since September 2001. I'm not using Explorer[1], 
just SpeedCommander. If the Explorer hangs, I kill it and restart it 
via Task Manager - doesn't hurt the OS.

> It's certainly possible to do this with NT and 2K also.


Okay, let's kill this thread. It's becomming quite offtopic...


[1] Okay it's the shell, but not for specific things
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