Greetings, ASSI!

> Andrey Repin via Cygwin writes:
>> /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ is missing from my
>> system.
>> The `update-ca-trust extract` doesn't even touch it.
>> What happened?

> Fedora dropped the command that creates the file and removed it from
> distribution here:


> You can manually create it like this if it's still needed (I would likel
> to know what for):

Not all programs can use hashdir. More so, in many places it was said the
bundle is preferred over the hashdir.
I.e. the PHP openssl module configuration says this:

>> openssl.cafile string
>> Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be
>> used with the verify_peer context option to authenticate the identity of
>> the remote peer.
>> openssl.capath string
>> If cafile is not specified or if the certificate is not found there, the
>> directory pointed to by capath is searched for a suitable certificate.
>> capath must be a correctly hashed certificate directory.

Which looks exactly like the bundle is preferred (though I fail to see, why?
It'll incur the parsing overhead for certain, where you could pick specific
cert from the hashdir almost in an instant).

> /usr/bin/trust extract --format=openssl-bundle --filter=certificates
> --overwrite --comment /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/

Thanks, I'll try that.

> …although it looks to me that all certs are available individually in
> /etc/pki/tls/certs so the bundle would be redundant.

Indeed, they do.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, February 28, 2025 10:00:37

Sorry for my terrible english...

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