On 18/02/2025 14:56, Erik Dybdahl via Cygwin wrote:
I have been using Cygwin for the last twenty years, and fifteen years ago a
colleague of mine introduced me to Cygwin/X.
I've used it ever since, because it's much better to have Xterm windows
controlled by this than to have a number of mintty instances started under
and controlled by MS Windows.
Sadly, after switching to a new laptop running Windows 11, it does not work
This is the bin/X.sh script I've been using:
export DISPLAY=":0.0"
export XENVIRONMENT="${HOME}/.Xresources"
XWin -clipboard -dpi 200 &
sleep 5
echo "Starting wmaker..."
wmaker &
and here is how it was started:
C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash -l -e
This starts XWin.exe, with a few Xterm windows in it.
Now, on my new laptop, only a blank screen is shown, and I am not able to
get any xterm window presented there.
Perhaps you could try the simplest possible way of running things as a test:
XWin :0 &
DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm
If I understand correctly, this gives you a server window (titled
"Cygwin/X:0.0"), but no xterm window inside it.
If the xterm client can't connect to the server, this might be due to a
interference from some firewall software (as the Cygwin UNIX domain
socket used here is emulated by Cygwin using a loopback TCP/IP socket).
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