I have been using Cygwin for the last twenty years, and fifteen years ago a
colleague of mine introduced me to Cygwin/X.
I've used it ever since, because it's much better to have Xterm windows
controlled by this than to have a number of mintty instances started under
and controlled by MS Windows.

Sadly, after switching to a new laptop running Windows 11, it does not work
This is the bin/X.sh script I've been using:
export DISPLAY=":0.0"
export XENVIRONMENT="${HOME}/.Xresources"
XWin -clipboard -dpi 200 &
sleep 5
echo "Starting wmaker..."
wmaker &

and here is how it was started:

C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash -l -e

This starts XWin.exe, with a few Xterm windows in it.

Now, on my new laptop, only a blank screen is shown, and I am not able to
get any xterm window presented there.

The documentation says the script startxwin should be used, and I have
tried it, and it does start an XWin.exe process, but nothing  is shown, not
even a blank screen.
There is a lot of information shown during startup, but that's also the
case on my old laptop where this is working, so hard to say from that what
the problem might be.

I've also tried the startx script, to no avail.

Please note that I am not using Cygwin/X to to start GUIs on remote
servers, it's solely a tool I use for avoiding having to revert to having
MS Window control the Cygwin terminals I start. (I use xterm, with
different fonts and sizes for different purposes.)

If anybody here is able to guide me on this, I would be most grateful.

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