Dr Bean via Cygwin writes:
> ASSI, what about adding to the long list of packages you maintain 
> another one, App::cpanminus, providing the commandline tool, 'cpanm', a 
> popular alternative to the venerable CPAN, and the installer of choice 
> of perl app developers?

Last I looked (which has been several years ago) it had some problems
that I don't really remember the details of anymore and that probably
have been fixed in the meantime or fixed themselves by Cygwin having
more up-to-date Perl versions.  The problems with the CPAN meta DB
mirrors are likely solved as well, especially since the fallback is
MetaCPAN these days.  However I've switched to using the MetaCPAN API
directly for almost anything and that solved all CPAN slowness I've
experienced before that prompted my use of cpanm to work around it.

> https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus
> https://github.com/miyagawa/cpanminus
> I am motivated to ask this by the efforts of the developer of 
> App::perlbrew, a/the perl environment manager to extend support for 
> cygwin, 
> https://metacpan.org/pod/App::perlbrew
> https://github.com/gugod/App-perlbrew/pull/838#issuecomment-2631585142

As a sidenote, you were not using the current Perl for whatever reason.

> which would be helped if there were a cpanm package.

Well, cpanm is a standalone script with bundled dependencies, so it's an
anathema to system packaging as it will skip any adaptations for Cygwin
that the system packages might have but not the fatpacked ones.  Also it
uses local::lib, which comes with added configuration complexity that
can only be handled properly by whoever uses it, again not something I
want to get in the midst of.

So, to summarize: App::cpanminus builds out of the box and passes its
own tests, but just like local::lib I don't want to distribute it as a
system package and /usr/local/ is left for whoever is in charge of that
system, not Cygwin upstream.  Here's the cygport file to produce a
system package if you want to play with that:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
# -*- mode: sh; sh-shell: bash -*-
BUILD_REQUIRES+=" libcrypt-devel" # perl.h
LICENSE="Artistic-1.0-Perl OR GPL-1.0-or-later"
DESCRIPTION="Perl distribution App-cpanminus, providing Perl modules:

Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN."

[ "${CYGPORT_RPM_DIR:-no}" == "no" ] && [ -s "${PN}.src.patch" ] && 
PATCH_URI+=" ${PN}.src.patch"

inherit perl
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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