Dear Cygwin Team,

I just wanted to confirm that I haven't seen issues with recent test releases. But the test versions change to fast to say conclusively that each of the versions are OK.

The last version for which I did see failures was:

3.6.0-0.321.g23f4aac7e760 (2 failures in 10 runs)

This version was stable for a few days but then started to fail - possibly some other package changed but it could also be random. If this is of interest, I can research this or send you pointers to the package lists in the logs. If it is random, the statistics gathered so far on later releases are not conclusive.

I had *no* failures with:

3.6.0-0.327.gca22984cc4ad (4 runs)

3.6.0-0.336.g2cc4d14f2a02 (2 runs)

3.6.0-0.338.ge0bc8172712(2 runs)

3.6.0-0.343.gbf94b87f54de(2 runs)

If you have a release candidate, I can run more thorough tests, but it should be stable then for 2 days.

Best regards,


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