On 22/01/2025 17:47, Bill Stewart via Cygwin wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 7:17 AM Marco Atzeri wrote:
it seems to me that you have a clear problem in COMMUNICATION. Do NOT
reply to me only. Reply to the mailing list.
I am NOT your personal support HOTLINE.
This is the last advise.
Indeed. Here are some other references that may help to establish
appropriate expectations from an email list.* (It might be that some might
not apply, but they might be helpful in any case.)
Email tip: A peer-to-peer discussion group does not come with a service
level agreement -
If you didn’t like the answer, asking the same question again is unlikely
to help - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20090120-00/?p=19433
Email tip: Just because you get answers when you misuse a mailing list
doesn’t doesn’t mean you should continue to misuse it -
* Courtesy of Raymond Chen
Hi Bill,
I looked at Lester profile and I guess he is ~ 85 years old.
So probably something that is obvious to younger guys, could
became an issue when you are not anymore near your prime.
please let us know what you see and where, and we will try to help you.
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