On 20/01/2025 18:28, Lester Ingber wrote:
I attach cygcheck.out .


Hi Lester,
please reply on the cygwin mailing list.

You are still NOT saying what is the problem you are seeing.
Which python programs are giving you issue ?
Have you issue running setup or when ?

Things I notice from your cygcheck.out

$ grep ^Warning cygcheck.out | grep local| sort -u
Warning: C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\find hides C:\cygwin64\bin\find.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\perl hides C:\cygwin64\bin\perl.exe
why you have your own version of find and perl ?

This python packages are obsolete and should be possible
to remove them

python2             2.7.18-4                        OK
python27            2.7.18-4                        OK
python27-pip        20.3.3-2                        OK
python27-ply        3.11-2                          OK
python27-pycparser  2.20-1                          OK
python27-setuptools 41.2.0-1                        OK
python3             3.9.18-1                        OK
python36            3.6.15-1                        OK
python36-pip        21.3.1-3                        Incomplete
python36-setuptools 59.5.0-1                        OK

probably you can also get rid of all python38-... as python39-... are current.


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