I'm looking at a situation where I'm going to need to write a small application 
that takes a command line to run, but first gets some data from an external 
source and sets environment variables from the response, so those variables are 
set in the subshell it starts.  It would be straightforward to add this to a 
command line that I run in the shell, but I'd really like to wrap this with my 
running of Emacs itself.  I currently use the following in my Emacs shortcut:

    C:\cygwin64\bin\run2.exe --display /usr/local/bin/emacs.xml

I see that the "emacs.xml" file allows for some static environment variable 
values, but that won't help me.  If I simply change the shortcut to this:

    mywrapper C:\cygwin64\bin\run2.exe --display 

Where "mywrapper" is the application I'm writing to get the env var settings, 
will that result in those environment variables being put into the environment 
of each shell buffer I start from Emacs?

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