Hello everybody,

In a GitHub Action running on windows-2022 [1], I have a couple of
steps like this:

  name: Download Cygwin installer
  shell: pwsh
  run: |
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe
-OutFile C:\CygwinInstaller.exe
    $expectedHash = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
    $actualHash = Get-FileHash -LiteralPath C:\CygwinInstaller.exe
-Algorithm SHA512
    if (-not($expectedHash.ToLower().Contains("${$actualHash.Hash.ToLower()}
 setup-x86_64.exe"))) {
      throw 'Invalid hash of downloaded cygwin installer'
  name: Install Cygwin
  shell: cmd
  run: >
    --root C:\cygwin
    --local-package-dir C:\cygwin-packages
    --site https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/

The problem is that sometimes (but not always) the second step gets
stuck: absolutely nothing is printed (even if the --verbose option is
specified) and GitHub aborts the execution after a few hours.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? What could be the cause?
Is there a solution?



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