On 2024-07-09 00:17, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 21:55, Mark Liam Brown wrote:
Cygwin gcc is currently stuck at version 11.4:
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 11.4.0
I would politely request an urgent update to GCC 13.3 (not 14.1, 13.3
is considered mature), as 11.4 causes severe problems:
1. Securly updates in the STL are not available in Cygwin
2. Everything relying on C++17, e.g. std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator,
does not work
3. Qt6 is not portable to Cygwin, which has a severe impact
I'd agree that newer gcc 13.x to compile Cygwin and as /usr/bin/gcc
would be a very good idea, not only for performance+STL fixes, but
also since by default the Cygwin distro lacks C++17 support, which VS
Studio has since VS 19.
As a rolling-release distro supported totally by volunteers, Cygwin does not
support C or C++, only the current stable gcc compilers and libraries
components, and g++ 11.4 supports -std=c++17, defaults to -std=gnu++17, with
experimental -std=c/gnu++20 incompletely supported, some draft C++23 features
supported by -std=c/gnu++2b, and various DRs resolved.
In g++ 12.4 (test - final GCC 12 release), C++17, and experimental C++20/C++23
support is improved, and various DRs resolved, and this continues in g++ 13.2
(test), where further experimental C++20 (library) and C++23 (compiler and
library) improvements are supported, but there are no notes on DRs resolved.
Oh and guess what: Ada, C, Fortran, D, Objective C and Objective C++ compilers
and libraries, and OpenAcc and OpenMP GPU offloading extensions, are supported
and have to be upgraded successfully, as do the mingw64-i686 and mingw64-x86_64
Cygwin Windows cross compilers and libraries, for each of those languages, in
each of these releases, to allow them to be promoted to current stable.
It can take a lot of work and even more testing to get packages upgraded under
Cygwin, in volunteers' spare time, sometimes requiring significant rebasing or
reworking of Cygwin specific patches to get new releases running, support or
functions added to newlib or Cygwin libc, days or weeks of upstream support
interaction, including with upstream required build tool packages, sometimes
requiring upstream fixes or synchronized build tool upgrades, which may involve
other maintainers with their own timeframes.
So feel free to install and run test releases available, or even better:
volunteer your time and effort to help upgrade the compilers, libraries, or
other packages; SWHTDI!
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis Calgary, Alberta, Canada
La perfection est atteinte Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer but when there is no more to cut
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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