On Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 09:53:00PM +0200, Mark Liam Brown via Cygwin wrote:
> Greetings!
> Cygwin gcc is currently stuck at version 11.4:
> $ gcc --version
> gcc (GCC) 11.4.0
> I would politely request an urgent update to GCC 13.3 (not 14.1, 13.3
> is considered mature), as 11.4 causes severe problems:
> 1. Securly updates in the STL are not available in Cygwin
> 2. Everything relying on C++17, e.g. std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator,
> does not work
> 3. Qt6 is not portable to Cygwin, which has a severe impact
> Mark
> -- 
> IT Infrastructure Consultant
> Windows, Linux

Greetings, Mark.

I take umbrage with excessive use of adjectives such as "urgent" and
"severe" when neither applies generically, and detailed context is
largely absent.

The subject line: "Urgent gcc update to GCC 13.3" is obnoxious, IMNSHO.

The gcc version in cygwin is not "sudden" news.

Why is this "urgent"?

What is this "severe impact" that someone "must" run qt6?

If some commercial product "needs" to run on Cygwin, apparently someone
failed to test on Cygwin during development and QA.

If this is "urgent" and "severe", then are you offering expert help
and/or offering to pay one of the cygwin volunteers to act in an
"urgent" manner to address this?

Prior to posting, have you looked at the list archives to see prior
discussions of the hurdles involved in updating the compiler?

I politely request that you please "urgently" adjust your expectations.
Cygwin largely exists through the time and effort of volunteers.

I am but one volunteer who maintains one package, and I speak only for

Cheers, Glenn

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