On 24/02/2024 23:31, sciguy via Cygwin wrote:
I am using Cygwin-X on Windows 10. It is a version from around 2020 or
so. The window managers (I have a few that I have installed) seem to
work, but it appears that LXDE likes to cover the toolbars and menubars,
especially when GNOME is supposed to be running. Even if I "log off" of
LXDE (which doesn't have any effect on GNOME), the LXDE toolbar, after a
few minutes, covers the native GNOME toolbar.
Can you perhaps explain how you are starting the session where you see
this problem?
It should only be possible to have one window manager running at a time
on a given X display, so I'm not quite sure what you are describing here.
In fact, the GNOME toolbar can be exposed, but like a game of
peek-a-boo, the LXDE toolbar reappears when my mouse moves close to it.
It also shows up under KDE (which doesn't seem to have a working
toolbar). If I run fluxbox, there is no LXDE running.
Is there supposed to be a reason why a LXDE toolbar has to appear in a
non-LXDE window manager? Is there somewhere where I can turn off this
setting (assuming that's all there is).
I assume this is something in the Xsession init scripts (which are
unfortunately complex) which is launching the "toolbar" unconditionally.
Unless you want to dive into those, uninstalling the package which
provides the unwanted program might be the way to go.
I'm afraid all the "Desktop Environments" we currently ship are rather
old and unmaintained. Somewhere in my vast backlog of stuff, I'd like
to (a) remove the heavyweight ones i.e. GNOME and KDE, and (b) update
the others which are actually used by someone. But that seems
increasingly unlikely to happen.
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