
I am using Cygwin-X on Windows 10. It is a version from around 2020 or so. The window managers (I have a few that I have installed) seem to work, but it appears that LXDE likes to cover the toolbars and menubars, especially when GNOME is supposed to be running. Even if I "log off" of LXDE (which doesn't have any effect on GNOME), the LXDE toolbar, after a few minutes, covers the native GNOME toolbar.

In fact, the GNOME toolbar can be exposed, but like a game of peek-a-boo, the LXDE toolbar reappears when my mouse moves close to it. It also shows up under KDE (which doesn't seem to have a working toolbar). If I run fluxbox, there is no LXDE running.

Is there supposed to be a reason why a LXDE toolbar has to appear in a non-LXDE window manager? Is there somewhere where I can turn off this setting (assuming that's all there is).



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