Greetings, Brian Inglis via Cygwin!

>> That will lose the information about which packages were installed by
>> explicit user request vs. installed as a dependency.

> What that means is the complete information is only available in:

>         /etc/setup/installed.db

> which has header:

>         INSTALLED.DB 3

> then a list of installed packages in which each line specifies 3 fields:


> in that 2nd field .tar.bz2 is the historically available download format
> but only VERSION-RELEASE is now significant, and the only packages you
> should be selecting to install are those which have a 3rd field manually
> picked flag == 1 as the others with 0 are automatically installed 
> dependencies e.g.

> $ awk '1 < FNR && /1/ == $3 { printf( "%s ", $1) }; END { printf( "\n" ) }' \
>         ~/cygwin-64t/etc/setup/installed.db | wc
>        1      52     686
> $ grep -c '\s0$' ~/cygwin-64t/etc/setup/installed.db
> 364
> $ awk '1 < FNR && /1/ == $3 { printf( "%s ", $1) }; END { printf( "\n" ) }' \
>         ~/cygwin-64/etc/setup/installed.db | wc
>        1     884   12124
> $ grep -c '\s0$' ~/cygwin-64/etc/setup/installed.db
> 1638

Been struck by the same situation (though, in a less distributed environment -
I've had to move Cygwin installation from one partition to another), I went
with a simple sed script:

>> sed -Ee '/ 1$/s/^([^[:space:]]+) [^[:space:]]+?(\.tar[^[:space:]]+ 1)$/\1 
>> \1-0\2/; t; d;' < installed.db

In essence:
  - for each line that ends with "1" (for packages, that were manually
    installed), replace version string with "0";
  - if replacement was successful, go to next line;
  - delete line.

Once I made sure the script is right, I just appended its output to the end of
installed.db on target partition. Then run setup.exe and everything happened
according to plan.

This works for v3 database, so to be on a safe side, run setup once on the
source machine to update installation and database to the latest version.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, January 14, 2024 22:15:59

Sorry for my terrible english...

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