> I have a new Win11 PC, and I wanted to capture the same Cygwin setup that I 
> have in another Win10 PC. I copied the C:\cygwin64 folder from the Win10 pc 
> to the Win11 pc, then I downloaded a fresh setup-x86_64.exe from cygwin.com 
> to the win11 PC. I ran it and chose "Install from Local Directory" and only 
> one shortcut for "Cygwin64 Terminal" was created on the desktop. No Cygwin 
> nor Cygwin-X folders were created on the Start menu. The original cygwin from 
> the Win10 PC had X installed also. 
> Any idea how to get this done automatically? I know I can go and create 
> folders manually, etc., but it kind of a pain. Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated. Thanks.


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