> I've got "export EDITOR=vi" in my .bash_profile, so anytime $EDITOR is
> called I want the huge version of vim.
Then set EDITOR=<path_to_vim>
If you want to cheat and only use 'vi' then you need to walk the dependency 
chain and/or search_for_binary mechanism employed by the SHELL to find the 
correct target. You can of course set this as 'system-wide global' or down in 
your login shell, or in sub-shell scope.
It is NOT the application packager's job to do your homework for you, or to 
hijack the process because some percentage of people prefer it a certain way.

Also, you seem to be not aware that /bin/sh RARELY actually invokes BASH. On 
some Linux distros it does, but you should NOT rely on that being true anywhere 

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