On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 02:23:49PM -0500, Lee via Cygwin wrote:
> If anyone has access to a redhat linux system, do they 'alias vi=vim'
> or put vi under /etc/alternatives?

FYI: neither.

$ cat /etc/fedora-release 
Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine)

$ cat /usr/bin/vi

# run vim if:
# - 'vi' command is used and 'vim' binary is available
# - 'vim' command is used
# NOTE: Set up a local alias if you want vim -> vi functionality. We will not
# do it globally, because it messes up with available startup options (see 
# ':help starting', 'vi' is not capable of '-d'). The introducing an environment
# variable, which an user must set to get the feature, will do the same trick
# as setting an alias (needs user input, does not work with sudo), so it is left
# on user whether he decides to use an alias:
# alias vim=vi
# in bashrc file.

if test -f /usr/bin/vim
  exec /usr/bin/vim "$@"

# run vi otherwise
exec /usr/libexec/vi "$@"

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