On Jan 16 14:08, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
> On Jan 16 11:19, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
> > On Jan 15 22:04, System Administrator via Cygwin wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to migrate my framework to Windows 11 running Cygwin.
> > > When executing vmstat it returns the following error:
> > > 
> > > "Unable to create system stat structureā€¯
> > > [...]
> While that's obviously wrong, it's not the problem.  It turns out that
> vmstat from procps-ng 4.0.2 stumbles over the fact, that /proc/cpuinfo
> only prints the following fields if the CPU is a multi core CPU:

...in short, the topology info.

> On Linux the output of those fields only depends on the configuration
> of the kernel.  If it has been built with CONFIG_SMP, these fields are
> part of the /proc/cpuinfo output.
> On Cygwin, the output of these fields actually depends on the fact if
> the HTT CPU flag is set or not.  If not, it's not a multi core CPU and
> the aforementioned fields are omitted.
> I could reproduce this issue by changing the CPU topology in my QEMU/KVM
> Windows 10 machine.  The default topology was 4 CPUs with 1 core and 1
> thread each.  I changed that to 2 CPUs with 2 cores and 1 thread each.
> After restarting the W10 machine, vmstat from procps-ng 4.0.2 started
> working as desired.
> So we can fix this issue by tweaking Cygwin instead.  I guess this will
> be fodder for the upcoming 3.4.4 release.
> I'll also provide a test release in a bit, stay tuned.

For testing, please check out the Cygwin test release
3.5.0-0.110.g75c375e86df3 via the setup tool and report back.


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