On Jan 15 22:04, System Administrator via Cygwin wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to migrate my framework to Windows 11 running Cygwin.
> When executing vmstat it returns the following error:
> "Unable to create system stat structure”
> Using the very same packages (install files) on Windows 10, produces the 
> proper vmstat results (i.e. no error).
> I’ve tried W11 pro and Enterprise - same difference (none.) Windows 11 is 
> running in a VMware VM. W11 is the December version wit the latest updates 
> (as of today).
> The working W10 is running on the same physical hardware, using the same 
> version of VMware, also in a VM.
> Cygwin is the latest version 3.4.3, with the latest props-ng package (4.0.2-1)
> Any help (or at least hint) is greatly appreciated.

I don't think this has anything to do with Windows10 or 11, but with the
version of procps-ng you're running.

I tried vmstat from procps-ng-4.0.2-1 on both, W10 and W11, and I got
the above error in both cases.

I switched back to procps-ng-3.3.17-1 and vmstat worked fine on both,
W10 and W11.

I ran vmstat from procps-ng-4.0.2-1 under GDB and found that this
vmstat tries to dynamically load libnuma.so or libnuma.1.so, both
of which are naturally not available on Cygwin.  So I guess vmstat
from procps-ng-4.x still needs another patch.



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