On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 10:15:18AM +0300, Orgad Shaneh wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Git Bash as the default terminal in VS Code. Using Git for
> Windows 2.36.1 with the latest runtime, based on cygwin 3.5.0.

Hi Orgad,

Git for Windows and Git Bash are based in part on Cygwin, but they're
downstream projects that aren't supported by the Cygwin mailing list:
the Git for Windows folks have made changes to the Cygwin code for their
use case, which they're 100% welcome to do, but which mean the folk on
the Cygwin mailing list just don't have the knowledge or experience to

If you can show problems with Cygwin, be that with the Cygwin DLL,
Cygwin's Bash or Cygwin's Git, the Cygwin mailing lists are definitely
the right place to ask for help.  But unless you can demonstrate the
problem using Cygwin packages without any downstream modifications, this
list isn't going to be able to help you.

Based on https://gitforwindows.org/ I suspect your best bet for getting
help here is either (a) asking on the Git for Windows mailing list at
https://groups.google.com/g/git-for-windows, or (b) raising an issue at


Cygwin Git maintainer

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